Clarity & simplicity as well as ambiguity & mystery is essential to the nature of wisdom. Most of us are comfortable with one or the other, but we need to live contentedly in both.
Art + Faith, a new book by artist Makoto Fujimura, needs to be read by all followers of Jesus. It provides a biblical, life-giving, imaginative vision of life and the church.
I used to refer to the Story of Scripture as Creation, Fall, Redemption & Restoration. Artist Makoto Fujimura has convinced me it should be Creation, Fall, Redemption & New Creation.
The wisdom of the Church summarized in the Westminster Larger Catechism on the 9th commandment speaks to how we should speak today.
Contrary to popular opinion, systemic evil is an essential part of the biblical understanding of evil in a fallen world. Here is an introduction to the topic.
The wisdom tradition of Scripture in which Jesus lived provides insight for how we can search for and find truth in an age of lies and misinformation.
This helpful and important book on biblical interpretation by a professor of New Testament speaks directly to our cultural moment in our racially divided world.
In our politicized world we are tempted to paint dire predictions of the future if the wrong party, candidate or policy wins. Christians need to distinguish between the apocalyptic and the merely tragic.
Reading through the Bible in a year can be a challenge.
“I believe that very small and local acts,” Killer Mike says, “are the foundation of effective activism.”